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Steal Me Away!

by nman97

Steal Me Away!

Chapter 1: Taking away my Friday

You’d think that Friday the thirteenth is a bad sort of thing. That it spells imminent doom for any and all who walk under a ladder, or cross a black cat’s path, or even so much as spill some salt. How ridiculous. No, Friday the thirteenth is not a ‘bad’ day at all! I think that it is actually the best day of the year! Well, that is, I did starting on Friday, February thirteenth!

My birthday, you see, is on February twentieth, and the thirteenth, at least last year, was exactly one week before my birthday, and on a Friday. I had had a long day in school. Math was my last class, and as usual, my teacher was extremely boring. It wasn’t that we didn’t have excitement in her class; we played a lot of games, but her voice… Ugh, it’s just one of those voices.

I’m not the most ‘popular’ kid either. I’m the kid who sits right in the back of the classroom, but isn’t a bad kid. I’m not really quiet, I do have friends; just, not many of them. I really hate school. Nothing but noise and confusion and tests and nagging, blah blah blah blah blah!

Where was I? Oh, yeah, the Thirteenth.

So, I was glad to get out of my math class and start my usual walk home. It wasn’t a far walk, only about five or six minutes. I was even more excited because of the fact that my birthday was on a break week, as it always has been. My birthday ALWAYS occurs on mid-winter break. A bit of a treat, I guess.

I was walking home as usual, when a gust of wind came whirling at me from the side. I had my backpack open by accident, because once the gust hit, at least fifteen pieces of paper flew out of it! I quickly took off my backpack and set it on the ground. I knelt down and picked up each piece of paper. When I got to the last piece, I read the heading.

“Tb Treat” by “Tristian Hawk.”

As I read my name and realized which papers had fallen out of my backpack, I hurriedly scrambled to put all of the papers back into my pack. I didn’t worry about how they were in there, weather they were in order or not, I was just glad to get them in their! I couldn’t have anyone find out about my secret.

I picked up my backpack, after making sure it was completely closed, and zipped up tight. I slung it around my shoulders and continued walking home. I pulled my scarf up over my mouth, due to the cold air.

When I reached my house, I sighed with relief. “No more parents for a few hours,” I thought.

I walked up to the door, and reached into the mailbox, hanging just to the right of the door. I sorted through it, seeing if there was any mail for me. I usually got a birthday card or two the week before from my grandparents or aunts and uncles, but there was none. I sighed, and reached into my right pocket. I pulled out a silver key, and opened the door to my house. I set my backpack down to the left of the door, and hung up my coat on the hanger.

I proceeded to take off my sneakers, and walk up the stairs to my bedroom. I walked in, reaching in my pockets for my student ID card. I placed it on my side-table. It was red trimmed, with nine black stripes going across it, representing my grade. My age was displayed in red, and had a bit of an Italian renaissance feel too it.

“15,” I read. “And still a baby…”I thought.

I opened up my side-table drawer and lifted up a stack of papers. Underneath them was a small black box. Inside was a bright blue pacifier. I took it out of the box, and closed the drawer, blowing on the pacifier all the while. I opened my mouth a little, and stuck it in. I suckled happily for a few moments, before I decided to lie down. I looked at the green digital LED lights that sat inside of my clock, which was on top of my television. “3:02” it read.

I relaxed, putting my hands behind my head. I’d had a long day, and I wanted some shut eye before anyone got home. It was the start of my mid-winter break, after all! I needed some shut eye; if only for a moment.

I closed my eyes, and breathed deeply. I concentrated on my heart rate, and slowed it down. My body felt heavy, like a ton of bricks. And as I suckled on my pacifier, I felt at peace. I don’t know how long I was laying there. I don’t know if I ever fell asleep. I don’t think it mattered.

I heard a loud crash come from downstairs. My adrenaline kicked in, and I was in a panic. I opened up my closet, and grabbed my b-b gun. It was a pistol, but was pull action, and had a small clip. I kept it in case of emergencies, though; I never did get to use it. Mostly because my parents didn’t know I had it, and partially because I only had a single full clip of ammunition, and didn’t want to risk losing it.

I slowly cracked open the door. I didn’t exactly know what to do in this kind of situation. If it were simply a rock that someone through at one of the downstairs windows, I’d feel silly. If it were a person... I would use my pistol and light the sucker up. I’d already thought that much through. I heard voices, deep, stern, but somewhat in a hushed tone. I felt my heart race. I looked down the banister and saw a man. He was tall, muscular, and black. He wore a suit, like one you would expect to see James Bond wear. He had sunglasses on, but I know he saw me.

How do I know that? Because a few seconds after looking at him, he yelled loudly, “Target Acquired! Second story! Secure package and return to sender!”

I had no clue what that meant, but I knew it meant that I was in trouble. I heard running, and panicked. I cocked my gun, and as someone started running up the stairs, I shot. I hit the man directly in the forehead, and at that range, I knew it must have hurt. But he pressed on!

Then a second, a third, and a fourth man appeared. I ran for my room, and locked my door. I held my body up against it, and wished that it was all a dream. I pinched my cheek, trying to wake up; but to no avail. As the footsteps reached my room, my door began to pound. I ran away from the door, opening my window, planning to jump out and run to the neighbors for help. There was a trampoline right below my room to feather my drop, and I felt safe that I could make it. But as I stuck my head through my window, my door burst open. I scrambled, my torso about to extend out of my window, but I was grabbed. I was pulled back into my room, and my pacifier fell from my mouth. I was held down, but still squirmed, kicked, and screamed as the perpetrators began to speak.

“I guess the Intel was good. Look what we got here!” one said.

“Hah, yeah, I guess so. We need to get him to the relatives though, before the guard dogs get home,” Replied another.

“Okay, let’s get out of here then,” I heard a third say.

“Open wide!” said a fourth. This one was the large black man, I could tell by his voice. My head lifted up forcefully, and not of my own will. I felt a silicone nipple touch my lips. It was then shoved in hard, and duct tape was put over my mouth. Next, I was blindfolded. I remember kicking, and trying to scream through the duct tape and pacifier, but soon, blackness engulfed my body. I had passed out.


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