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Regression & Hypnosis, the Diaper Diaries

by Aestrius

Regression & Hypnosis, the Diaper Diaries

Day 27 of freedom, exact date unknown.
Dear Diary, you'll have to forgive me for another long story, but if I don't make it out of here, you'll be my only connection to the outside world, so please do forgive me. I believe I finally discovered the exact way I found myself here in this place. It took me long enough to figure out speech, and writing's a chore still, but I'm getting better at it all the time. I'll have to be quick about this though, the master's coming to check up on me at the usual time. I wasn't sure it had happened to me, but the third time I saw what I'm about to reveal, I'm almost positive that everyone here experienced the same thing. He invites them to his office, it seems innocuous enough, a nice glass of wine, relax, talk about business matters and all that. A perfectly normal evening to the untrained eye, but I'm almost positive he drugs the wine with something. The poor people up there absolutely soil their pants. They don't even have control over it. He tells them to come down here to clean up, down to the basement where the rest of us are. I can hear him through the ceiling, talking about his deeds, entertaining his "guests". It's disgusting. That's the best part about being down here, you hardly have to deal with him. He only comes down three times a day. Plenty of time for peace. The smell gets to me sometimes though.

After they stumble their poor selves down here, they're confused for a moment. I would be too at the sight of all the cribs. It's quite a sight really, watching their poor eyes glance around the room in confusion. They hardly suspect the master sneaking up behind them, pinning them to the chair off in the corner. The fright in their eyes clear. The smell gets really bad around this time, worse than normal. They don't even notice they're sitting in their own feces. I feel bad for them. By now they begin to wonder what's happening. It's about this time the master turns on the music. It's really soothing. I usually fall asleep, but after a while, I got real curious, I began fighting it. What I saw amazed me. After the music starts playing, he slowing whispers into the poor prisoner's ear. I can't hear what's happening, but the poor person usually wets themselves at the point. The master often smiles, and in a loud booming voice pronounces "And now that you're a baby, you'll need your diapers. Babies need them to poop and pee in". At this point the prisoner begins drooling, and a few even coo like the rest of us here. He was repeatedly hypnotizing everyone in the room, every time he brought a new one down here. I began fighting the sleep every time, and I finally broke free of his strange hold. I can finally think for myself. I don't dare refrain from soiling my diaper though. He might find something amiss, and I still need to find a way out of here, not to mention he still feeds us baby food. It runs right through you.

The ceremony goes on for a little bit. The part that scares me the most is when he talks about permanent incontinence. How long have I been here? Can I be free of the diapers once I escape? Or am I doomed to live here forever. He's coming back now, I need to leave you for now, I pray this falls into safe hands.
The paper ended there.
"Hey Rose, what the hell is this?"
"It looks like a... Oh God... Chris, where did you find this?"
The man pointed to the bottom of a cellar door.
"It was off in a dark corner."
"Could this place really be..."
With a loud crank, the woman yanked open the door and stared in. She nearly shook with shock at the sight, rows of cribs stood, lining the walls.
"Chris, what are these doing in your hou-"
She was cut short as the man grabbed her around the mouth and dragged her, kicking and screaming to a small chair in the corner.
"Rose, Rose, Rose, you just had to refuse the wine."
Her eyes grew wide with terror as he tightened the Velcro straps around her wrist. He finished by applying tape over her mouth.
"We could've made this so much easier. Poopy babies like their diapers more, you know, but we'll have to make a special case for you."
She tried screaming through the tape, but elicited only laughs from the man as he reached up and turned a small CD player on.
"Now now, Rose, just relax. You've always been my baby girl. This really changes nothing about our relationship."
He pulled out a diaper from one of the diaper bags hidden in the corner.
"Besides", he said. "You've got all the time in the world now."


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