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Saved by hypnosis

by alec23

Saved by hypnosis

I was a student in my first year of college and was painfully shy. Whenever I had to speak in class or meet new people, i would blush. My blushing became more severe when I felt that I was the center of attention. Blushing was a serious learning obstacle because I couldn't concentrate in the classroom nor ask questions. I noticed that it was beginning to affect my social life too. I felt fine around my old friends, but whenever someone new was introduced, i always blushed. Since I was in college and meeting new people all the time, I felt the problem was getting out of control. One day in class, the event I dreaded the most occured. My professor told the class that everyone would make a co-presentation. Although I would be in front of the class with another person, I feared embarrassing myself and thereby affecting my co-presenter as well. This fear prompted me to call for a hypnosis appointment.

My goal for my hypnosis session was to stop blushing once and for all. During the session, I regressed to a much earlier time in my schooling. My subconscious remembered a time when another student made fun of me and everyone in the class laughed. Then, he remembered other times during that year when the teacher would call on me and i would blush thereby inciting more laughter in my peers. I was very sensitive to how my peers viewed me, and it bothered me that i blushed whenever i felt insecure. This core incident was never resolved so it snowballed into a tremendous emotional block as more time went by. My emotions triggered specific physical reactions, and this combination of triggers became a learned psychosomatic (mind-body) response. I had been dealing with my blushing from middle school all the way to my first year of college. During hypnosis, my emotional charge regarding the core event was released, and my psychosomatic patterns were broken and replaced by positive alternatives with my approval. After the session, i did well on my presentation and did not blush. Today, I feel more comfortable when meeting new people and no longer blush. My goal was achieved in one session.


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