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Alien abduction

by lillidin

Chapter 1 - beginning

You can't remember what happened, you were on your way home until you suddenly blacked out, now you're in this weird tube, helpless and naked.

You would try to scream if there wasn't a mask on your face, which provides you with oxygen, 

You're in some sort of science tube filled with a mysterious liquid, you look out of the glass and see so many futuristic devices, as if everything came straight out of some science fiction movie. 

You float in the liquid, not sure if you're dreaming until suddenly a door opens and a creature beyond your imagination steps in. 

It moves on tentacles, dozens of those, it's skin looks slimy and has a blueish colour, yet it's upper body is oddly humanoid. 

It's 4 eyes linger on your body before it speaks:"not the best specimen, but we've got ways to change that"

Change what? You think to yourself. Only now you realise that you don't feel scared at all, as If you've been numbed. 

"Don't worry little human, we will turn you into a great breeding slave" 


Breeding slave!? What's about to happen? You get worried yet remain completely calm. The creature presses a button with its tentacles, suddenly you feel a gas released through the mask that's attached to your face, it makes you feel weak, drowsy and compliant. 

"Breathe deeply little human, this is just the beginning of your transformation" 

Additionally to the calming gas you feel earphones being attached to your head, they play sounds and voices that you cannot understand, you're too tired to understand. 

You notice the creatures tentacles entering the tank you're in, you want to resist, to fight back but you simply can't, the tentacles move up your legs, up your waist and they stop at your breasts. 

"I'll inject you with hormones of females of our species so that you'll give enough milk for our offspring.... It'll also make those pathetic small breasts of yours nice and large"

Before you can even begin to struggle you feel a small jab in each of your boobs, but instead of pain you feel... Aroused?! 

"Oh I see the brainwashing is already taking effect" 

Brainwashing? So that's what those headphones are for, but when you try to take them off the tentacles grab your arms.

"No no no, there's no point in fighting it, the liquid you're in is filled with tiny robots that have already made their way into your brain to rewire it, so you'll soon be an obedient, stupid little breeding slave for our species" 

Slowly but surely your fear ebbs away while your arousal exponentially grows, unnoticeable at first but the heat in between your legs gets more intense with every passing minute. 

While you focus on your ever increasing arousal you suddenly feel a tugging, sucking sensation on your breasts. Two suction cups have been attached to your nipples and after a short while, to your surprise, milk starts dribbling out of them. 

"Good good, the hormones are taking effect nicely as well. Those small breasts will need to be large and filled with milk for our offspring."







Chapter 2 - the transformation

Your breasts grow larger and larger filling up with more and more milk, the suction of the devices gets stronger and more pleasurable, more and more arousing. At this point the heat within you is nearly unbearable. The tentacles hold you tightly, moving across your body in teasing ways, increasing your arousal and diminishing your worries, all that's left in your head is arousal. "Now the real fun starts" the Alien says. A display with spirals gets lowered in front of your face they draw you in your eyes focus on these spirals entranced by them.


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