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The Drone Factory

by hipnodfoxo

Alex had just left college and was looking for quick and easy work before he went off to university. He wasn't qualified in much, he had barely got into uni with his grades, so he was only able to get very low level jobs. The idea of just being a worker in a shop didn't fill him with much joy so he searched day and night for a job that he could work peacefully in, with no interaction with the public. It was nearing hour 45 of his search, just before 3 AM when he got an email forwarded to him from his college, from a company called "CONNECTIONS CORP", they were opening a new factory in town and were looking for short term workers intending to go to university.

He read through every word of the email, everything about it seemed perfect, the pay was decently high and he would receive full paid training, the only thing that struck Alex as strange was the fact that it mentioned nothing about working hours. But just in the back of his head a little voice was telling him "Work for the corp, work for the corp, work for the corp". Alex decided to sleep on the idea, but the voice would not leave him, influencing his dreams so that he imagined applying to CONNECTIONS CORP and what it would be like to work in a factory. That when he woke up the first thing he did on his phone was fill out an application, which brought him so much joy, but would be nothing compared to the joy he would be brought over the next few days.

Within the hour he had received a response telling him that they were eager to interview him and get him started, and asked if he was free this afternoon to have a chat at their factory. Alex had no other plans so he made his way into town, dressing in the smartest clothes he had, an unironed shirt and an old blazer, when he got to the address he noticed a small queue of people, some former classmates, and students from the local sixth form. All were waiting to be let in, standing patiently and in line. As Alex joined the back of the queue a voice came over the speaker "Alex Martin, please report to the main desk." The voice was crackly over the speaker, but Alex obliged and entered into the factory.

As he entered he realised how truly different it felt from the building outside, instead of the bricks and mortar, it was sleek white panels. A lady behind a desk, and in a rather monotone voice called "Alex Martin?", Alex quickly snapped out of his trance and made his way to the woman. "Uh yes, I'm here for the interview, am I late?", Alex stammered out, overwhelmed at how scruffy he looks in such a nice place, the lady gave him a lovely grin, and pointed him to a door on the left and said, "Through there, fifth door on the right, just wait there and someone will come and begin your inspection."

Inspection, that's weird Alex thought, but maybe he just misheard, he followed the ladies directions and entered into a small room with a large metal table in the centre and a small cabinet, weirdly there was no chairs. On the other side of the room was another door, Alex presumed this was an employees entrance. Patiently he paced around the room, until eventually he hear the other door click open. He turned to meet his interviewer, it was a lad around his age, maybe he joined recently as well, he said no words but motioned Alex to sit on the table. The lad was wearing what looked like a rubber shirt and trousers, but Alex could see no seams.

"Hang on, where do you want me?" Alex questioned, and in a deep voice the lad responded "On.". Nervously, Alex lay down on the table, he wanted to protest but he needed the money too badly so obliged the weird request. As he laydown he could see a small TV screen above him, currently off. The lad began looking in the cabinet as he asked a series of basic questions covered in the application, his voice carrying across the room. When he was done asking questions he told Alex to watch the introduction video on the screen above him.

Alex doesn't remember what happened after the TV turned on, but when it turned off, the Lad looked at Alex and told him to strip and then lay out on the table. Alex carefully took his clothes off, folding them up and handing them to the lad, before laying down on the table. Nothing felt wrong, infact Alex questioned why he didn't do this sooner. The lad attached straps to Alex's wrists and ankles and began to measure parts of his body, starting from the arms, then the chest, then the legs and finally Alex's penis.

Once the lad made a note of the sizes, he pulled out a small shiny curving object with a ring on the back. The lad delicately removed the ring and put it behind Alex's testicles, before inserting Alex's penis through the shaft of the object and re-joining the pair. Alex did not fight, he had no need to, this was the right thing to do, he was simply obeying. The lad spoke once more as he released Alex, "Recruit, please exit out of this door", pointing to the door the lad entered in "and stand in formation with the other recruits.".

Alex understood this was simply taking him to the next stage of his training. As he opened the door, 8 other doors opened and boys and girls all naked and in chastity exited, all followed by their interviewer. They began walking down the corridor in line alongside Alex. Before all reached a large room with a series of conveyor belts. Each one took their place on the conveyor belt and waited, not moving an inch until the whirr of gears started to move them forward. Infront of each belt a small door flung open, and then shut swiftly behind Alex. The room was pitch black, until spirals filled every surface, "Recruit more drones." "Obedience is pleasure" "Pleasure is obedience" "It is a drone." "It must obey.", Alex wasn't sure how long he was in that cupboard size room before doors at the other end opened. The conveyor travelled down into a sort of gateway, before stopping right underneath it. A voice called "Arms outwards, legs spread", Alex obeyed without question, at the two walls to the arch pushed together to surround Alex.

As the walls retracted, Alex was left in the exact same position he had stood in, though his skin was now covered in a layer of Latex. Alex could feel the cage that had been surrounding his genitals merge with his new skin, as if they were one and the same. Before Alex had time to fully take inventory on his body the conveyor lept forward again and Alex came face to face with a humanoid. They shared the same skin, but there was no face, only a large helmet, but the creature spoke to Alex and said, "Drone C-AL3X-6549, current task, prepare Matthew walters for dronification then report back here to complete your own."

C-AL3X-6549 understood exactly what he would need to do, he stood in front of the door he had his interview in, and waited for the signal to enter. When he did, he saw a face that seemed vaguely familiar to him, Matthew tried to speak but C-AL3X-6549 could not understand what was being said, and reminded Matthew that this was to be a professional interview. He gestured Matthew to lay down on the table.

C-AL3X-6549 couldn't recall much that happened during the interview, but he knew that he had done a good job, as Matthew walked eagerly in front of him, totally naked and ready for processing. C-AL3X-6549 returned to the creature that had set him off on his task, and the creature informed him to step on a small pad, before he was picked up by two robotic arms, dipped into a vat of latex and a third and fourth arm placed a helmet over C-AL3X-6549, the front of the helmet had a long tube that went down C-AL3X-6549 throat and a visor that lined up with his eyes. The helmet was sealed shut and C-AL3X-6549 was placed alongside other completed drones.

The visors sprung to life all at once and every drone was told to complete their conversion they would need to release all their previous identity. C-AL3X-6549 felt the restraints around it's genitals dissipate as he suddenly got incredibly aroused. In short, robotic motions, C-AL3X-6549 and the other drones pleasured themselves before all the visors flashed one word "CUM".

A small black glob hit the floor in front of C-AL3X-6549 and it's penis returned to being restrained. The visor instructed C-AL3X-6549 where to go as it joined a set of other news drones, all intending to go to Exeter university. In their space they had sleep pods and work stations, they were instructed to make objects that would help form a new factory at their university and convert students en masse.

At the end of the summer all the Drones went off to their designated universities, and slowly started new hives, it didn't take long for the whole of the UK to become one of the hive.


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