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Secretly smart fun time

by Likyliky

Secretly smart fun time

One day, it was may i think, a boy, whose name was Samej, happened across this website. He was underage, 15 to be exact and, despite the fact that he was so young, discovered that he had an unfortunate fetish for hypnosis. And not just any hypnosis either. He was not moderately interested in feminization, or incontinence. What he found entertaining were the transformations. The previous year, he himself had suffered from a transformation fetish, and the aftereaffects caused him to enjoy such hypnosis. He spent several months poring over the list of files, until he happened upon one that he liked. He decided to loop it, and went to sleep with it playing in his ear. The following morning, he remembered nothing from the file.

Samej awoke in his bed on that day, and sat up, yawning. He had slept well the previous night. He got out of bed and dressed in his school-clothes. He went down-stairs, and grabbed a bagel. He toasted it, put whipped cream on it, and put it in his mouth. He ran to his mother's room, kissed her snoring form and went out to were the school-bus was waiting. As the sunlight hit his face, he smiled broadly, for no real reason, and walked into the bus. He walked to the back of the bus and sat next to his friend, Marcelo.
"what's up," said Marcelo.
"s'up" said Samej, and again that grin came onto his face
"dude" said Marcelo, "don't make that face, it makes u look dumb."
At the word dumb, a wave of pleasure washed over his body. He found it odd, and that made Samej grin even wider and dumber. Marcelo just looked at him, feeling happy.
For the rest of the bus-ride, and Samej was happy to let the silence reign
When the bus stopped outside the high-school, Marcelo almost jumped out of his seat, in order to get away from Samej. Samej stopped smiling, and slowly the pleasure faded, and when it had finally gone, Samej realized how dumb he must have looked. The strange urge to smile stupidly did not come over him again until lunch time. They had all had a pop quiz in spanish that morning and the boys were grumbling about it. I needent right down the entire conversation, but I will tell of the important parts.
"That quiz was dumb" said marcelo(he was very partial to the word dumb).
Once the word dumb was spoken, the pleasure once more washed over sichuan and he took up his dumb smile once more. However all the other boys ignored it until.
"Samej what'd you get on the quiz."
"I go' a hundred," he said, but the words came out slowly and thickly, as if by one who has take. Too many knocks to the head. However once he had said his score, a strange feeling of embarrassment washed over him, drowning out the pleasure, and wiping the smile clean off his face.
"see" said the boy,"you probably studied. How'd you know about the quiz"
"I didnt," said Samej, whose words were now as clear as they should be.
"you must have," said the boy.
"I didn't," responded Samej. But by their faces it was easy to see that the didnt believe him.
They all went back to their meal.
The rest of the day was uneventful, and once Samej had locked himself in his room after dark, he found himself opening up his iPod and clicking on something he couldn't read properly. In the morning he remembered nothing about it.

Day 2

The next day, Samej yawned, got up, dressed and went to the bus. When he got on, he found that Marcelo was sitting with somebody else, so he sat in the back of the bus. At the next stop, three cp f average kids came and sat next to Samej.
"hey, what's up dude," they said in unison.
"what's up," said Samej, and his voice came out just as slow and thick as it had when he had felt the pleasure the sudsy before.
"hey bro, u slow o' somethin'?" said one of the boys. A rush of pleasure and happiness went through him, and he was content not too speak
y all laughed at him. Their laughter made him even happier. The four boys then started making fun of him. The more they laughed at him, and made fun of him and the more he talked in that thick way, the happier and happier he became. He was thoughrouly enjoying himself by the time  he arrived at school.
"see ya later dude," they all said as they exited the bus ahead of him. Samej started waiving at them, but suddenly stilled his hand, realizing, all of a sudden, how dumb he'd been acting. His face addicted a thouroughly blank and confused look as he internally contemplated what had happened. 
He had an English essay that day to be written in class. When the teacher stood up and announced in a shrill bat-like voice that the essay would be regarding "the characterization used by mister Charles dickens in his work "great expectations,"" everyone groaned, except for Samej, who had adopted a stupidly blank and confused look. He was however, deep in thought regarding the essay. But, he was brought out of his reverie by the teacher who asked (with concern in her voice) , "Do you have a question Samej."
When Samej had shaken his head, the teacher told the boys they had 45 minutes flat.
Samej was amazed at the speed which words flowed from his pen. He in fact, finished the essay in fifteen minutes. Samej read it over and could not find any mistakes, spelling or otherwise. Handed in his 5 paragraph 600 word essay at the twenty minute mark. Samej got a small burst of satisfaction as he saw the teachers eyes widen at the incredibleness of the essay. 
Samej reached down into his backpack and took out a book. However the second he opened it, he felt an intense feeling of shame. He tried to read a few pages but flounder that the shame made it impossible.
He put the book down, and stared blankly at the far wall, looking dumb and feeling happy.
At lunch his usuall group was not at the table, so Samej sat down and ate his lunch. Once finished he began to look about for something entertaining to do. Normally he would have read, but that wave of shame made it literally impossible.
Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him, "Hey dumbass."
He turned around happily and saw the cp boys from the bus.
For the rest of the lunch, those boys made fun of and insulted Samej. But he laughed stupidly with them. Thouroughly enjoying playing the part of a dummy. This bout of pleasure lasted until he got home from school. At its completion, he decided the cp boys were his best friends. He also decided that he loved to pretend to be dumb.

Samej graduated high school with honor roll, much to most people's surprise. After a week of listening, he was constantly acting dumb, no matter who he was with or when. In fact his feigned stupidity motivated the cp boys to get their grades up and graduate. But of course, Samej was, and will be, secretly smart.
(I may, at a later date, do a part 2)


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