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Unexpected Outcome

by adventdestiny7

Unexpected Outcome

Daniel was just your typical average hero. You know, the type that go out and fight monsters to rescue innocent damsels in distress. That was, in fact, the objective of this particular quest. Get to the final area, defeat the evil mage, rescue the princess, return her home, get the girl, and live happily ever after. What Daniel didn't realize was that this particular mage had a very unusual sense of humor. Daniel was about to find out first hand that everything doesn't always go according to plan. The first part was simple enough. Getting to the citadel in the middle of the ocean. Thanks to the unprecedented speed of the ship he was on, Daniel arrived on the island in about ten minutes. Now all he had to do was get to the citadel itself. This part proved a little more difficult. The island was like a maze. Thick stone walls had been built all around the citadel. Daniel must have traversed the labyrinth for a good hour or so before he finally reached his destination. There before him stood the citadel. It was huge and looked to be a least 15 stories tall. Getting inside would be a cinch. Getting to the top of the citadel, well, that was another matter. So Daniel made his way through the huge doors and entered the massive structure. Just as he had suspected, there were all sorts of monsters and demons there to give him a nice warm welcome. He slew one after another with his titanium broadsword as he made his way through the countless rooms. He finally found some stairs. Now it was time to traverse the second floor. This one proved a bit more difficult. The monsters became increasingly irritating as well. Somehow, Daniel managed to keep his cool and a heap of monsters lay at his feet. The next set of stairs. The third floor was ridiculously complicated regardless of its size. Usually in a citadel, the further you go up, the smaller the floors get. It was a bit smaller, but still confusing to navigate. The difficulty and irritation of monsters became more and more frustrating the higher Daniel went. He finally made it to the ninth floor. He knew he was close. He felt it in his heart. Just one more set of stairs to locate. After quite a deal of ridiclously hard demons, he found it. He stopped for a moment to rest. He was only minutes away from his destination. At the same time though, it was as if he could feel the evil presence of the mage permeating the cold stone steps. He knew this next fight would be the hardest by far. He gathered all his courage
and slowly climbed the stairs to the top floor. A few rooms and a couple ridiclously simple monsters later, he was finally at the large stone doors. Behind these doors he knew the mage lay in wait. Daniel gathered every last ounce of courage he had and pushed them open. There at the far end of the room stood a man dressed all in black. Daniel knew this was the vile mage, Xelne for who he had come so far to stand against in a final battle not just to free the princess, Larana, but to restore peace to the entire land. So Daniel raised his mighty blade and started toward Xelne. Not very surprisingly, Xelne turned
toward him. "So, you are the one that has been sent to destroy me. You warriors are all the same. When it all comes down to it, your nothing but wimps!" "You killed my people, you took away our princess, and you destroyed hundreds of lives. Believe me when I tell you, I'm no wimp. I'll send you back to the hell from which you spawned!" "I'm afraid you aren't going to get the chance. You see, I've been planning exactly what I want to do with you when you finally came to face me, and I think I've come up with a rather brilliant idea." "Oh, really, and just what might that be you lunatic?" "You are nothing more than a little sissy, and just to prove it to you, I'm going to let you have a taste of my newest power!" "I have no clue what your talking about, so why don't we just cut to the chase and get this over with!" "I couldn't agree with you more, indeed, I shall enjoy this, hahahahahaha!!! With that Daniel charged at Xelne full speed his broadsword held high aiming for Xelne's head. However, just before the blade could make contact, Daniel found himself frozen in mid-swing. "Huh, what's going on,
I can't move!" "Hahahahahaa! Didn't I tell you you wouldn't be able to lay a finger on me, now, prepare to witness something that will change your life forever! Hahahahahaa! No sooner were the words said than Xelne began waving his hands. Daniel was lifted high into the air. He could see Xelne down below motioning with his hands in a mysterious sort of pattern. He could also hear Xelne chanting words that he did not understand. Suddenly, Daniel began to feel very unusual. He could feel that something was starting to happen to his body. He struggled to look down, but he suddenly found that he was unable to look anywhere but straight ahead. Although he may not have been able to see what was happening, Daniel could definitly feel it. His body began changing shape. He could feel his bones cracking and mending. His waist narrowed and his hips expanded. His face crackled and restructured itself. His chest began to burn with unbearable pain and it felt like something was pushing out. He tried again to look down, but his eyes were just as immovable as his head. He would be unsure of what had happened until he was free of the hold. Whatever the pain in his chest had been about, it was gone now. But at the same time, his chest felt heavier. More changes began. His hair began to lengthen and by the feel of it, Daniel believed it had gone past his shoulders. He felt the hairs on his body begin to yank themselves out one by one in rapid succession. It was very painful. Then he felt a odd tingling down in his groin. He really wanted to look down, but struggle as he might, Daniel could do nothing but float there and keep his eyes fixed on the wall. The tingling became more intense. Then there was a sucking sound. The tingling finally went away. Now it felt like his insides were being turned inside out. That was the most painful part. Finally, the pain within his body ceased. Then it felt as if his adams apple had suddenly jumped up his throat. Daniel struggled to say something, but the words wouldn't come. It seemed as though his voice was frozen as well. He felt a tiny pain in the tips of his fingers which quickly ceased. Then
something that felt like silk began to wrap around his body. He also felt a metal object slide onto his head. Then he felt something slide onto his feet. He also felt a handle in the palm of his right hand. For some unknown reason, he took hold of the handle. Finally, Daniel began to float back toward the ground. Whatever Xelne had done to him, it was over at last. He breathed very heavily. Then he noticed something about his breathing. His breaths seemed to be higher in pitch. Then Daniel realized that he could finally move. "Now that's more like it! I must say, you turned out lovely, princess!" "Wh . . .
What do you mean?" As soon as the words were out, Daniel immediately covered his mouth. The voice that came out was definitly not his. It was more like a woman's voice. Then, slowly and cautiously, Daniel looked down. He gasped in shock. There on his chest were two newly grown breasts. Quite full by the look of them. He then realized what was covering them. He was wearing a bra! Then over that was a lovely long red dress which covered most of his body. He took the metal thing off his head. Sure enough, it was a dazzling circlet complete with studded rubies. Then he took his hair and ran it through his fingers. It was not it's usual shade of brown, but jet black. It was also long and silky. He looked at his feet. They were slid into a very nice looking pair of sapphire slippers. Then he looked at the object he had grasped. It was a scepter, complete with a red orb for its top. All the sudden, the realization of his predicament hit Daniel like a ton of bricks. He had become the princess! It was hard to believe but there was no denying it. Same red dress. Same ruby studded circlet, same scepter. Then Xelne conjured a mirror which set itself before Daniel. He gasped in shock again. Staring back at him from that reflective glass was a vision of beauty. The only problem was that beauty was him! Daniel doubled back in shock. Finally he spoke. "Why do this? Why make me look and sound like Larana?" "But my dear, haven't you figured it out, you ARE Larana. Now I'll lock you away inside a nice comfortable cell and maybe they'll send another warrior to rescue you. I think you'll agree that its quite nice to be a princess. But enough talk, get in there, now! Xelne opened the doors of a chamber to the left and escorted his new creation down its hall. He then flung her into the cell next to the real princess. Or was she? As soon as Xelne shut the door and left, Daniel looked around. In that one large cell with him was not one, but two princesses! What in the world was going on here? Daniel was about to find out. The princess to his right spoke. "Well, it looks like you've failed as well. Now you know how twisted Xelne really is. You see, he practically lures warriors here, then just like that, he turns them into duplicates of Larana. You see, even if someone does manage to defeat him, they will never be able to tell which of
us is the real princess. This is probably going to sound horrible, but in the days to come, you will become more and more like Larana. You will begin to think like her, act like her, behave like her. Then, one day, you will be just like her. You will be her in every way. The process has already begun with me. I already have her thoughts flowing through my head. It's getting harder and harder to remember that I used to be a guy. Soon, I'll forget that too. I'll believe that I have always been Larana and never anybody else. Now that I've told you, you now know that there is no way out of this. By the time they send another warrior, it will already be too late. I will become Larana and you will soon follow." The one to the left of Daniel then spoke. "Sorry for you to have to endure such bad news, by the way, I am the real Larana. I keep praying and hoping that the guild will stop sending warriors so that no more will have to suffer this fate." "You mean there's no way out of this cell, I'm just going to be stuck here and turn into you?" "That's the basic idea. Then even if a warrior defeats Xelne, he will never be able to tell which of us is the real princess. He will return home utterly confused and defeated." "This can't be! There has got to be some way to stop it. I don't want to be a princess!" "It's pointless to even try. Don't you think that we've already attempted to get out of here numerous times? So far everything we've tried has failed. Face it, soon, you'll be like my twin. When the process is fully complete, you won't even remember any of this. My memories will fill your head and you'll believe you've always been me." "I'm not going to just sit here and give up. Woman or no I'm going to find a way to either get out of here, or stop this change. One way or another, there has got to be a way!" "I admire your determination, but I'm sure your attempts will all be in vain." "That won't stop me from trying!" So, she began thinking of some way in which she could perhaps either keep her current memory or get out of that room. Her previous encounters with labyrinths had shown her something quite useful. Maybe, just maybe, there was a secret passage somewhere. She began checking the walls. "What in the world are you doing? Trying to dig through the wall?" "No, I'm checking for trick openings. Maybe there's a hidden passage somewhere." She checked for what seemed like forever. Then, just when she had almost given up hope, she found a
loosened brick. She pulled on it hard. To her and the others amazement, the wall slid down revealing a hidden staircase. See, there's always a way. You just have to have faith." "Wow! I never would have guessed that there were hidden paths in this citadel! Good going, um . . ." "As much as I hate to say it, call me Daniella until I can perhaps figure out a way to reverse this." "Okay, Daniella." So Daniella led Larana and her double down the long spiral stairs. They seemed to stretch on endlessly. Finally, the trio reached the bottom. It was a sight they had dreamt of seeing for a quite a while. An opening to the outside. "We'd better hurry! I don't think it will take long before Xelne realizes that we're gone!" "Good point, Daniella, lead the way!" So Daniella led them back through the incredibly complicated labyrinth. Finally, they saw a boat. Daniella waved to the captain. The captian nodded and motioned for her and the others to climb aboard. He asked them why they all looked like the princess and they just decided to make up a story for the time being. "Ummm . . . these are my twin sisters, yeah, they . . . uhh . . . come from castles in other lands. Xelne captured us all and locked us in the citadel." "Okay, that sounds believable, but what happened to Daniel?" Daniella had completely forgotten about that part. Three
princesses but no warrior who supposedly saved them. "He . . . uhh . . . is still fighting Xelne. He distracted him while we escaped." "I see, may he be victorious." "Yeah, we hope so too." It would only be a matter of time before the truth was dicovered. Not to mention the three weren't out of the woods yet. Something was lurking in the depths of that great ocean. Something big and hungry. All of the sudden, the ship started to jerk from side to side. "What in the world is going on?" the captian looked out to the sea. A massive serpent reared its head out of the water. "No way! I thought those things were just myths!" "Well, that's one massive myth then!" Daniella shouted. "You ladies stay in the cabin, I bet I can handle this thing. I may not look it, but I've taken down a monster or two in my day!" The girls did as they were told and went inside. "Do you really think he's gonna be able to take that thing on by himself?" "He seems to know what he's doing, I say we trust him." said the real Larana. "I hope for our sake that your right." Meanwhile, the captain readied his harpoon. He was going to aim right for the things eye. He waited until it got closer and fired. The harpoon missed its target and instead embedded itself into the creatures forehead. It wailed in pain and shook its head in an attempt to dislodge the harpoon. This also caused the ship to rock violently. "On second thought, I think I'll go out there and help." said the real Larana. "You can't! If you die, this rescue will have been for nothing!" Daniella shouted. "I'll be fine, you two stay here." "But . . ." "Don't, she's made up her mind, all we can do is wait and pray." said Larana's double. "I should have gone out there, I bet I could've taken that thing down, even if I am a girl." "What is done is done. It's too late to stop it now." Meanwhile the captain had taken up his rifle and began firing at the massive serpent. "Take this, you hell spawn!" "Are you alright, what's happening?!" Larana shouted. "Please, go back inside, don't worry about me." "I want to help you. If this thing destroys the ship, there won't be a princess to return to the castle. I don't expect you to understand, but at least one of us has to make it back to dry land in one piece!" "I promise, none of you will be harmed, I can handle this, honest. As if to completely contradict the captain's words,
the serpent opened its mouth, and swallowed Larana in a single gulp. "Nooooo!! Why?! Why her? You'll pay for that you demon!" In a rage, the captain blasted both of the serpents eyes out with the rifle. The beast finally returned to the depths below never to see again. The two remaining girls opened the cabin door to find the captain slumped on the ground in tears. "What happened, where's Larana?" Daniella asked. "I . . . I couldn't save her, that thing gobbled her up and I couldn't do anything, I'm such a loser!" "Don't blame yourself, if Larana hadn't left the cabin in the first place, this could have been prevented. But she's gone now, which means it will be up to us to return to the castle safely and explain
everything." "I suppose. We're approaching shore, brace yourselves." The ship finally docked on dry land. Daniella and Larana's double disembarked and headed toward the castle. The captain waved to them in the distance. The castle was still a few miles away and both girls were getting tired, so they decided to stop and rest for a bit out in a plain. "What are we gonna tell Larana's father, he'll be devastated to know that his real daughter is gone." "Maybe, but we still have to do it. Then it may come down to it that one of us will have to be her stand in." "There may still be a way to undo this, I haven't given up hope." "I'm glad your so optimistic, Daniella, good night." "Good night, Larana's double" The two girls drifted off to sleep. The next morning, Daniella opened her eyes to find that Larana's double was missing. "Blast! Where did she go?" Daniella ran through the nearby woods shouting Larana as that was the closest she could come to a name. After all, the double hadn't given a name, so that was the best shot for now. Daniella finally found her by a pond looking into it. "Thank god, what were you thinking wandering off like that?" "Sorry, I must just be homesick. I have to get back to my father as
soon as possible. Wait, why do you look like me?" Umm . . . Xelne made me like this, remember?" "Xelne! He did this to you?!" "Yeah, you were there when he through me into the cell, don't you remember?" "Actually, all I remember is being captured and being thrown in there myself. No time to worry about that though. I have to get back to my father! He's probably worried sick about me!" Daniella realized what had happened. The process had completed for Larana's double. As far as she was concerned, she WAS Larana now. Daniella knew she had to hurry. It was only a matter of time before she too would be fully changed. She pulled Larana (might as well be) along through woods, rivers, and meadows. They were close, the meadow where the castle was situated was just on the other side of the long stretch of trees in front of them. "Come on, Larana, we're almost there." "Yeah, my father will be overjoyed to see me again!" They plowed through the woods, but something sinister was lurking in the shadows. "Wait, stop! There's something here, I can feel it!" "What do you mean? I
have to get home!" "I know, but I must protect you. You are the only one who knows what to do when you get back. Quick, get behind me!" "Okay" Larana stood behind Daniella. Suddenly a large cat like creature came out of the trees. Its eyes gleamed in the sunlight and it licked its lips as it circled its prey. "You want me, come and get me you monster!" As if it understood, the thing leaped upon Daniella teeth bared. "Hey, get off her you creep!" Larana grabbed a nearby tree branch and batted the creature off of Daniella. "Thanks, Larana, I owe you one!" "No problem!" At that moment, Larana fell backwards unaware of her footing. Daniella rushed to her but the creature beat her to it. It ripped Larana apart as if she were paper. Daniella watched in horror as the thing tore Larana apart. She grabbed a branch and rammed it through the creature's neck. The creature slumped to the ground dead. Daniella slumped down against a nearby tree and began to cry. She had failed. Both the princess and her double were dead. Now there would be no way peace could ever be restored. Daniella cried so much she pretty much cried herself to sleep. Fortunately, sleep came easily and she was comforted with the thoughts of lovely dresses, make-up, and precious gems flowing through her head. Daniella awoke the next morning and realized something. She had to get back to the castle and quick. Her father would surely be overjoyed to see her again. She started toward the meadow and stood at the edge. There, in the distance, was her home. Larana ran as fast as she could for she knew that she was home at last.

The End . . . or is it?

(Apologies if the TG element isn't as much as expected. If this story isn't good enough, I understand. Seems this site is more about fetishes and feminization/cross dressing as opposed to TG fairy tales.)


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