
  • The Bambi Show — $25    

    Omg hi and sorree for the wayt but my new fyul The Bambi Show is heer! This training helpz Bambi work on her self image and becum the best selfie slut evur! So mayk shur to dress up super slutty for halloween and tayk lawtz of hot pikshurs! I mite work on this fyul more but doween a release so ur not waiting any longer ♥ No indukshun or awakenur. Warning the Bambi Show has intense bimbo brainwash and may result in lawtz of selfees giglz Lissen at ur own risk and tysm to Bambi prime for the series and luv you awl as alwayz xoxo

    More content at: https://www.patreon.com/bambi4eva

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 12:10
    Downloads: 9