
  • A New Recording of Unwanted Bimbo    
    Because so many people were having sound problems, I finally broke down and did the obvious thing of re-recording Curse of The Unwanted Bimbo from scratch. I’ll be adding more files here soon, until then you can find my other hypno fetish recordings at: http://www.sylviablackx.com For those who don’t remember, this curse encodes all the aspects of an airheaded sex crazed blonde bimbo just beneath your identity, causing the various traits to slip out at the worst possible moment. Becoming a total ditz when you really need to solve a problem, suddenly realizing you want to suck the cock of the guy you're arguing with and hoping he'll spank you for being so naughty and disagreeable. Aside for the specific changes that come and go, you'll still be you, so you'll get to relish the humiliation of all these new feelings and limitations, and the harder you fight it, the worse it will become.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (46)
    Length: 33:41
    Downloads: 22963
    Like OMG Sylvia thanku thanku thanku for helping me find myself throo this file...I am totale in luv with ur voice and wood luv to heer more ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    She (?) has a very scary, compelling voice. The only thing that stopped this affecting me even more deeply is the OTT scenario. If she does anything more realistic I really will be in trouble
    Oh god that was crazy. Feel light headed...it\'s hard to think straight.
    Audience is gay men and pre SRS transsexuals. Suggests wearing feminine underwear. But its a great track, but like not working completely, right. I mean for women. Like i had a total break during the session
    this like totaly didnt work on me why would i wnat to suck a yummy cock and wear cute panties?
    website doesnt exist..what gives
    I like didnt kno this was like for boys and stuff when i listined to it and even though im a boy i thought it would be fun and stuff to listen to lol. was plesently suprised when she like started talking about how like ima boy and stuff but the bimbo would show through from the underneth part. tooooootally hawt. duno if it worked tho lol <3<3<3
    like, what a great file, woud you, like, think that listening to it lots wood be good? thanks :)
    i think you could do a fantastic file for wanting to become a bimbo all the time, basically much similar but for those that crave being this dumb air head fuck toy at all times hehehe i sure would
    Im gonna listen to it then comment again. Someone message me and tell me if it worked.
    Lol sorry it tock me so long. Like i had hard time find tha pag again. Omg im so silly lol i mispeled all those words! I don\'t think it worked thou.... Hehehe message me boys ;) <333
    omg llike tyu so very much i wana suck cock njow tyu like oh my gos thankuuuu!!!!!! i want hawt guy cock now pplllsssss message me sumone whos a hot guy
    This file totally didn\'t work it\'s just a little game why on earth would I want to suck big cock or like no way
    Wow Sylvia!! That wa slike so totaly amazing!!!!! I like have never been in such like a total trance like that! I was like sooooo amazing!!!! You are like the total best!!! I love Mistress Sylvia!!! XOXOXOXOXOXO
    Nice trance really loved it
    Check back on WMM soon for a new set of recordings, and check out the new material available at http://www.patreon.com/themidnightcarnival
    Like, I love it!! I don’t know what else to say lol I gotta listen again! Thanks Mistress Sylvia! Sorry I sound so stupid lol
    Reading the comments has me really intrigued I’m going to listen to it right now then comment afterwards let’s see if it works...
    Like OMG I like totally don’t know what to say. I can’t think aboiut anything except these pretty panties I’m wearing and the cocks I’m going to go suck
    I have serious doubts that this works. I'm a little scared it might though. Idk what I'll do if it does. I might try it though. You know what they say curiosity killed the cat haha! ???? this is a serious try if anyone is curious about if it works. I know I am.
    Well I just came out of trance. I feel a little uazy but so far nothing too awefully major. I donn_t know if I actually got changed. So I'm going to listen once more.
    There hoes listen number too I think it worked hust a little bit lol! I sound so dit.. dit.. uhm.. sillyb lol like... gosh my head keeps getting blank haha! Woq i think it works! Uh oh..
    So I did the hypnosis and I don’t know if it worked. Will see in a few hours
    Omg idk why but I just loveddd this file! It made me feel like I’m missing something and need to fill myself as soon as possible. First file to really get me this deep and horny so I’m going to rematch later and then comment again maybe
    So uh yeah. I would tots recommend this to anyone curios. Don’t know how perfect it worked but I keep typing funny and have weird thoughts all day so you should listen!
    Does it work??
    If you let it work it will work, I haven’t listened yet though, will update on results later
    im gonna try this file in a moment. will update on results after 2 listens
    oka so after listening once i definitely feel like a little bit spacey in like my head so i think it def works this is like the best file ive heard inlike forever all the othee ones suk <3