
  • 6 Month Baby Girl    
    Edit of one of my previous files to turn you into a 6 month baby girl. Will record with microsoft anna, add some nlp, but one step at a time.

    Infant Behavior
    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (13)
    Length: 25:18
    Downloads: 8365
    Trigger(by yourself)
    very nice! thanks! only a few \"not\" that i question, more positive wording would be nicer?
    I can TTS this script myself if that\'s okay with you? Please let me know if it\'s okay or not. I\'d hope that you would still do the \"proper\" version however.\n\nGreat script as always, well done!
    is it ok if i edit the script and make one that turns you in to a 6 month baby boy?
    Enjoyed it very much! I was drooling by the end.
    Dear allison-in-love can i have permission to modify/Edit one of your files Name: 6 Month Baby Girl?
    I thought this was great and had lots of fun with it! Loved the way you linked obeying to being a good girl!
    This file is awesome. First time i listened i started drawling after a few more times i was sucking my thumb and crying and couldn\'t sit up. If you listen to this propped up in a chain (so you don\'t fall) you might want to wear a bib because i soaked the top of my onesie with drawl. Also don\'t leave anything you don\'t want to put in your mouth in view. I suckjed on a coaster at one point LOL . My only problem with this script is that I come out before the timer expires but that effects so fa are great.
    im new n really really wish to listen to this someone explain how?
    \r\nI am glad that some people like this file, but please note that it is *not*\r\nby \"allison_in_love\"...most of the files posted here by \"allison-in-love\"\r\nare files of mine (allison_in_love) that have been reposted here having\r\nnothing to do with me by someone using this slight modification of my\r\noriginal name...which I suppose is fine, since they are free. I have no\r\nproblem with that. But I did want to note that this file is not mine and\r\nnot to my taste.
    i just wanted to say that it is nice to see you are alright allison.
    Uh oh... I read the script and really went down into it. I want to hear the file. There\'s an imposter? Is this trouble?
    how can i get this file ? \n
    I\'ve dabbled in hypnosis a bit, but this is the first file that really, really worked for me. I listened to EMG\'s blank before this, so I was very deep when this started. I really did feel like a little baby girl for quite a while. The loss-of-bladder control works very well. I ended up peeing myself without really even realizing it, and when I noticed, I tried to stop it, but I couldn\'t squeeze. After this file I was drooling, making little baby movements with my hands, and sucking my thumb. I would recommend everyone give this a try with a good deepener before it. It\'s a very effective, enjoyable, unique, harmless experience that everyone should try at least once!
    Although I borrowed the induction style from the Alison in love series, I made this file many years ago, and sold it at MommyAmy.com and abdl-age-regression.com, now defunct. Who ever posted this, bought it, and then posted here. But, I\'m glad you\'re all getting some enjoyment out of it! Still......
    I loved this file! i have no control of my own now
    I am really disappointed that the jerk posting this file bought it off my website then cried about the quality and received a full refund, only to then post it here as his own. Further, this IS NOT Allison in Love, though I did borrow that STYLE when writing the script; the words used here were my creation, though syntax and some phraseology may be similar to Allison in Love, as those files were fresh in my mind. Compare it to any of her files, and note the wording is different.
    So Ditto to what I said 3 years ago. Still have the original word document (time stamped) that shows I'm the author of this, and this POS saying it's a rework of his is bullshit. Not to mention that everything on this site has been hacked and is available on several illegal torrents. Sigh. Is why I won't post anything else here, and I'm light years now in effectiveness from where I was when I first made that file.
    Wonderful and thank you. If possible more emphasis on how tiny I have become at 6 month old Thanks again I LOVE IT.