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MN_FriendlyGuy's Recent Entries

Jan 24, 2007 - The First Text Trance and Self Hypno

by MN_FriendlyGuy

First Text Trance:
The term "text trance" means going into trance after reading a trigger phrase. It's the same concept as a verbal trigger, but it's used differently. Usage: It allows a subject to quickly go into trance when instant messaging (IM) or reading eMail.

Over the last few weeks, I've been training myself to go into trance when I read a specific trigger phrase. My success yesterday with a new verbal trigger motivated me. It motivated me to seek out someone who would attempt triggering me through text.

Success! Before work this morning, I IM'd with a guy I met in the www.gay.com "Hypnosis" chatroom. He took about 25 minutes to walk me through my first text trance. I didn't go deep. But I definitely went into light trance just from text ~ and that's a success. I'm extremely thankful to have met someone willing to go easy on a newbie like me. A series of successful "practice" trances like the one today will speed my progress. I'm confident of it.

Self Hypno Playlist:

Reminder - Subliminal versions of MP3 files are available through subscription to WMM.


- tomtom-phs

text trance can be so addicting can't it? How do you walk the fine line between obsession and not enough?

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