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New Release: Obedient Desire

by Mesmer7

New Release: Obedient Desire available for the introductory price of $20 through June 20, 2009.

After seeing a hypnosis show, you ask me why being made to obey seems so erotic. So I tell you a hypnotic story that induces a deep trance, takes you back in your mind to remember why obedience is fun and how it helped to awaken your sexuality. Then I direct the trance into an intensely erotic scene which instills the desire to obey while teaching how obedience increases desire, and leads to more fulfilling sex.

Commands includes undress, hold still and allow yourself to be fondled, accept a spanking, perform fellatio, hold still with a cock partly inside you, fuck, and cum. Intended for intermediate and serious D/s practitioners; this recording will instill a real desire to be sexually submissive and obedient.

For more details, visit Hypnotic


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