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MN_FriendlyGuy's Recent Entries

Chronicles of a Kink Hypnotist - Episode 13

by MN_FriendlyGuy

Thanks for checking out my journal.  My last journal entry was about the long-term effects of kink hypnosis - kinda.   It's the type of topic that interests a lot of members - like the ones who follow the discussion: The Forced Gay Success Thread.   I mean...  we're just having a little occasional fun with erotic hypnosis, and then: BAM!   


Today's topic is way different.  It comes from the heart.  But first:


Hi!  I'm MN_FriendlyGuy, one of the erotic hypnotists who likes hanging out here at WMM.   If you enjoy this site, be sure to support it, okay?  Here are a few easy ways you can do that…

    • Subscribe as a premium member (Check out the benefits you get!)
    • Buy hypnosis files here on WMM.
    • Submit a hypnosis story that you've written  (I love telling you to submit and I've got my eye on you, sss!)
    • Create your own hypnosis recording or video - then upload it.

From The Heart:  Please be Skeptical.

I love writing about erotic hypnosis.  I fuckin' love letting you know how fun it is being a kink hypnotist.  But something happened recently.  Something important.  That's why this is a journal entry from the heart. 

When you're swapping notes with members here - members you don't actually know.
      - or enjoying trance for the first time with someone

Please be a little skeptical - just a bit.

When someone you don't know tells about something too good to be true...
      - Don't engage.  Just shut down the conversation.  

When someone is pressuring you; saying that you need to do something right way...
      - Shut down that conversation.  That's the easiest way to avoid doing something you might regret later.

I'm unsure whether a member was actually trying to run a scam on me.  Don't care!  I simply shut that conversation down.  

If you're curious (I love it when you are!), here are some details:

- A WMM member contacted me via external e-mail (no longer permitted).  But when I asked him to switch over to WMM's direct message system and to begin swapping notes there, he had an interesting excuse. It makes me skeptical when someone hides their WMM identity (nickname/history).  

- In his emails, he claimed to be located in South Africa.  But I was skeptical because he didn't speak Afrikaans and skeptical because his email address didn't originate from a "za" domain. 

- In his emails, he casually mentioned (just out of the blue) that he's settling an estate. But he has creative reasons for why he isn't grieving. Sure, it's plausible that an employer might hire someone to go live at a large property and manage it.  And sure, it's plausible that an employer might hire someone to execute a will on their behalf. But BOTH of those things together?  It seems mighty damned improbable because the skill-sets to do those two things are really different.  And the ability to speak the national language would be really important for doing those things, too. 

Once more, I'm saying it from the heart:  Please be a little skeptical.
Next time I write, we're goin' back to the erotic hypno topics we love!

One Last Thing:
A quick trip will bring me to Canada soon.  If you're located in Calgary, Vancouver, or Victoria, I'd love to hear from you before I take off from Minnesota.

Thanks again for checking out my journal.
The comments section, below, is an easy way to share what's on your mind.


skeptical. - warren101

You should be skeptical. Both the estate and will are pure scams. I receive at least one solicitation per week on my email.

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