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MN_FriendlyGuy's Recent Entries

Feb 16, 2007 - Self Hypnosis, Live Session & Progress with MusclePig II

by MN_FriendlyGuy

It's been awhile since I had time to make updates in this journal. Time pressure has been incredible. It feels good to get back to normal now that career demands seem to be letting up. Even though journal entries are missing for several days, there's been no gap in my hypnosis conditioning.

Ordinarily before my workday begins, I enjoy chatting (IM) with friends & family. While I was having time-pressure, I skipped this. It was a short-term solution that allowed me do a little self-conditioning before my workday began. Playlist for today:

Live Session- via Web
Even though journal entries are missing for several days, sessions with Master Joe were happening - as time allowed. Although I'm open to working with other hypnotists, Master Joe remains the one guy who consistently and patiently works with me. I'm incredibly grateful.

Yesterday, Master Joe let me know he's begun working with a new subject who is analytical - similar to me. And he asked about the MP3s that have been so effective for me. I take it as a double compliment... one for me, and one for PowerPoint (the author of the MP3s) on www.affordable-action.co.uk. I stopped by their IRC chatroom - but he wasn't online and the folks in the chatroom were unresponsive (silence/lurking)

I also had a good laugh when Master Joe inadvertantly revealed something. After our session, we were casually talking about me making a disciplined effort to take breaks during my workday. He inadvertently let me know he's been suggesting (during trance) that my breaktimes would be more enjoyable if I masturbate for five minutes. Aha! So that's where it came from!! Isn't interesting how a simple bio break can be manipulated?

Composing MusclePig II
Completed a subscript that'll be embedded as a television visualization. Goal: The subscript will play quietly in the background (as though coming from a television). Recording of the subscript can begin on Monday (2/19). There's much more scripting that needs to be done for the main body. But the concepts are in-place.


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