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last night

by csquared

so last night i decided to diaper up and listen to my file on a loop for several hours and take a sleeping pill to help me wet in my sleep. here is what happened i drank a bunch of water and when i went to lay down my bladder was already full and was full for most of the night. i definitely went into trance but i'm not sure i was asleep. anyways during the file i could feel my bladder opening up and dripping out and sure enough when i woke from trance a couple hours later my diaper was a little wet. i woke up and had to pee really bad and couldn't sleep cuz the pill wore off so i went in the potty and hoppped into the chatroom. while there head mistress took me down and was able to make me flood my diaper on command. it was so bad that it leaked and soaked my shorts as well. Head mistress decided to try and make me pee again after that and i started to dribble afterwards. She warned me that I got what I asked for and that from now on I will be wetting the bed everynight. I was really thinking about ordering a case of good diapers last night but i didn't and decided to see what happened this morning. Well to my dismay i woke up dry. but i do know that i'm hooked on this file now and that i'm going to keep going with it and warping myself until i can't control my bedwetting at all. thank you so much mistress


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